Monday, May 31, 2010

Guatemala City Airport Closed

Note: lava ash on the top of the 737

and ash on the wings

AA2195 was the last flight into Guatemala Aurora International Airport on Thursday night, arriving just after 7pm. Other flights were diverted to nearby San Salvador, El Salvador, just a 4 hour drive from here. All flights were canceled in and out of the Guatemala City airport on Friday, Saturday and now it looks like the airport will remain closed through Thursday as airport personnel continue the major clean up after the May 27th afternoon Pacaya Volcano eruption.

The big question is, "When will the Aurora airport re-open?"* We noticed that AA's flights are canceled through Monday. It is very important to sweep up all the lava ash off the runway. Its a tricky runway to begin with and ash would make it even more challenging as well as destructive to the engines.

*We got the call from AA and now Haley and Molly will be flying down on Friday, June 4th and will stay through June 21st.

check back for more details! or go to Judy's blog at

More later

Tropical Storm Agatha

Tropical Storm Agatha dumped buckets and buckets of rain over the past few days here in Guatemala. We are just beginning to acquire photos of all the damage.

Molly and Haley are still scheduled to fly down on Tuesday afternoon. As of now (Monday morning), the AA flight is still scheduled to fly (first flight into GUA since Thursday afternoon). It is always an adventure.

The Guatemala City Aurora International Airport is shut down for the 4th straight day in a row as the crew clears off truck loads of ash from the runway. Glenn read that as of yesterday, Sunday, there has been estimated 1,000 truck loads of ash hauled away with 300 workers working 24/7.


Molly's new Blog

Molly has a new blog.
This is easier to remember

Give me a few hours as I adjust the settings, backgrounds and post the last 2 posts on this new Blog.*

*I can't wait to teach the girls how to do this! Once they arrive, they'll be posting their own stuff.
